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Download the current version for Exalted 2.5

For a list of recent changes, please see our changelog.
Should you require assistance with either download or installation, please refer to the quickstart section below, or the more complete guide on our wiki.

Download the legacy version for all previous rulesets

Current versions of Anathema only support the latest rules for the game, dubbed “Exalted 2.5”. Anathema 3.1.3 was the last release supporting the game’s older rules. If your group uses those rules, please use this version.


Anathema requires Java Runtime Environment Version 7, Update 21 or later.

Quickstart Guide


Regular releases are pre-packed and installed on their own. Auto-installing packages for different operating systems are available. If you downloaded the raw (.zip) package, the archive can simply be extracted into the target directory. If the recommended download is not to your liking, please select one from our archives.


Depending on your download choice and operating system, you are provided with a executable file or link for launching Anathema. If yours was the raw download, chances are your system allows to launch Anathema by double-clicking “anathema.jar” in the main folder. Failing that, you will need to open a console window, switch to the installation directory and type “java -jar anathema.jar”.

Enjoy Anathema!